Get better skin with the Oil Method!

What do you use to wash your face??? I get asked this question constantly! Not exactly sure why? I assume it is because for a 42 year old my skin is holding up thus far:) Honestly, if I could go back in time, my skin is top 3 on my list of things to do better. No matter your age, it is never too late or too early to begin a skin care regimen! In fact, the longer you wait the older you’ll look… he he he (:

First of all, if your using soaps and over the counter face cleansers… STOP!!! The ingredients in these cleansers have no business on your skin. If you’re a skeptic, like myself, look up the first 3 ingredients on your current face cleanser. In reality, these cleansers only make all aspects of our skin unhealthy with breakouts, over drying, poor and uneven skin tone… So, are you asking yourself, what does she wash her face with? Welp, that’s easy, OIL!!!

Let me guess, you’re immediately thinking, GROSS OIL, isn’t that uh, oily?! Truth is, oil absorbs oil!!! The trick is picking the best oil for your skin type and your Dosha. Also, you can add different essential oils to achieve certain results, such as; acne, dry skin, wrinkles etc… Don’t get overwhelmed this early on :) I personally like to use extra virgin olive oil. Yep! Straight from the kitchen to the shower. Beware when using oils in the shower!!! They are slick! I made the mistake of using oils in the bathtub one night and the next morning, I heard a loud thrashing sound coming from the bathroom, along with my boyfriends shriek! He was fine but now thinks that I’m trying to knock him

We regularly nourish all of our body systems with food, hydration, essential vitamins and nutrients and regular exercise. Life gets busy and there are only 24 hours in one day, it’s easy to forget the largest organ of the body, the Integumentary system, aka SKIN… Just like our organs and other body systems our skin requires certain care as well. The skin on our face is even more prone to irritations due to being exposed free radicals and carcinogens. When all systems are working properly it helps protect us from illness. Think of your skin like your shield of protection, but over time it weakens from damage.

How about our faces? Are you doing all you can do? Staying hydrated with water is very important paired with proper diet. That’s what you can do from the inside! Using the oil method to wash and moisturize also allows for antioxidants and important vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed within the skin. It is like a long lost secret, the ancients all used oils! This reads true through out history for thousands of years. Ancient Indians, Egyptians and tribes all over the world have used the oil method for skin care. Plus, how awesome that you can buy less products! I don’t know about you, but I love multi using anything. I could go on for days and days, but I’ll save a little for future posts.

To get you started you want to pick a “carrier” oil. This is just a fancy word for an oil that is the main ingredient. As I said before I prefer extra virgin olive oil, nothing expensive. However, I do purchase organic. You may also choose an oil according to your Dosha type. On occasion I have used or recommended coconut oil and or almond oil. My current is sesame oil, my Dosha needs balanced and as a Vata, sesame is my go to. Don’t forget, use plain sesame oil not toasted or roasted. If your a newbie to the oil method I suggest trying what you already have. In Ayurveda practice you would choose an oil based on type of Dosha you are. When starting this switch remember, don’t rush, one day at a time… it’s a marathon not a sprint!

Now let’s get started!!!

First gather supplies you’ll need:

  • carrier oil ( extra virgin olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, sesame)
  • clean wash cloth
  • dry towel
  • essential oils of your choice (1-2 drops)

Apply oil with clean finger tips in small circular motions. If you have on makeup, no worries, the oil will wipe it all away! Including water proof mascara! Let oil soak in while you wet your wash cloth with very warm water. After a couple of minutes simply wipe off the oil, makeup, oils and debris from skin. If you had on a full face of makeup you may want to repeat the steps to be sure it’s clean (: Final step, rinse with cool water… just splash your face with cool water! Now Pat Dry.

Now sit back, relax and let these ancient oils do their work!!! Here is little extra :) I love to exfoliate!!! At least once per week it is nice to sloth off that old dead skin for a smoother feel. This is a great way to exfoliate, clean and moisturize in one.

  • Add sugar to your oil (brown or white)

Just mix a little sugar, regular white sugar or brown sugar, make a paste. Follow the steps as before… If your a morning face washer, this is a fun way to wake up!

  • Take your morning fresh coffee grounds and add them to your oil of choice!

This will awaken all your senses! The caffeine in the coffee will revitalize your skin. May also give a slight bronzed look (:

Now you’re on your way to healthier looking and feeling skin! Most importantly, don’t give up! It may take a few oils to get your combination just right. There are many articles and research out there you can do more research or contact me personally. You are worth it! Be your best you, that you can be! Keep Glowing Up!