What’s Ayurveda?

Good Day, I’m so grateful to share with you this ancient method of wellness. I am asked often, What is Ayurveda? This question always reminds me of when, I myself asked the same question (: My curiosity triggered, I needed to know more. Those days were dark for me, simply said, I was in desperate need of Natural Healing! Enough about me, let’s look at the basics.

The history of Ayurveda is said to be thousands of years old. In Sanskrit it translates as, The Science of Life. It is a natural system of medicine, focusing on preventative care, such as; proper diet, herbal remedies, exercise/yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, massage and aromatherapy. Western medicine refers to this as Holistic. An Ayurveda lifestyle brings a balance to mind, body and spirit. We are all a combination of all five elements, air, water, fire, earth and spirit/space. The elements combine in our bodies to form 3 energies. These energies are referred to as, Dosha’s.

Dosha’a are energy or our life force. Although we are all made up of all five Dosha’s, one is more dominant. Some people may be a Dual Dosha, however Tri-Doshic is rare. It is said that when our Dosha is imbalanced we can suffer many ailments, physically, mentally and spiritually. Using Ayurvedic methods for your Dosha type will heal you naturally.


  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha

There are quizzes available online or you can contact me for more information. Each Dosha is unique and focused on your type. Once I implemented Ayurveda according to my Dosha, I was amazed at how I felt. More mental focus and clarity, better gut health and a deeper sense of spirituality.

Now, what is stopping you from being your best you? Even if you feel fine already, we can all use improvement in our lifestyle. Get started now! You may be surprised that many Ayurvedic methods have been incorporated in western medicine or that things you naturally like or dislike go along with your Dosha type.